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Nationwide searches, not library specific

  • AACC -- American Association of Community Colleges; various types of positions
  • Academic Careers Online -- search for Library administration, librarian
  • -- search across several Federal agencies
  • Army Civilian Service -- civilian positions at Army posts
  • Dept of Defense Careers -- all civilian DOD positions
  • NAF Jobs -- civilian positions with the US Air Force with non-appropriated funds
  • ITT Tech is one of the largest for-profit educational companies in the country.  Library assistants also help with book sales at the beginning of each term.
  • The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities lists Librarians under administrative careers and Library Science under faculty careers; search both.  They will also allow geographic limits on the search.
  • The Higher Education Recruitment Consortium gathers all library jobs into the same sub-category.  They use the same search interface as CCCU, and searches may be saved as email agents or RSS feeds.

Nationwide library searches and listings

Regional searches